Futuristic Google Space project started as an expansion on Google Earth platform, inspired by space exploration images of NASA and the Hubble telescope and fueled by limitless dreams of sci-fi movies, asteroid belts, galaxies and alien environments. As inspiration and hope for the students and art lovers around the world. But the optimistic prediction was unrealistic, when we couldn’t answer these questions: Will we cause our own extinction by environmental disasters, nuclear wars or wealth distribution and income inequality and hunger by financial crisis? Do we still remember the great flood yet creating another one? Will we be discovered again in the future as the lost civilization?
Every hour, taxpayers in United Stated are paying $32 million for total cost of wars since 2001, which is in total of $4.7 Trillion. (e.g. Amadeo, Kimberly. U.S. military budget, Thebalance.com, components, challenges and the growth)
Google Space project could be a realistic prediction of our future. But we don’t deserve to expand beyond our gray planet and we won’t. Even if it became possible, who wants to be the ambassador of a civilization who consciously starve its own members, spend more on killing and not to healing? Who wants to travel intergalactic and ride on the technology derived from world wars, designed to kill more, a flying bomb. We are not welcome member of the universe.
We are wonder on a piece of rock, wander in the void to the known dark future.
It was not a giant leap for mankind.
Google Earth photos and Google services have been used on this project.